

We who hate oppression

Must fight against the oppressors

Power is not shared

Power is taken

March against war from Navalny's team. Paris 20.08.23

Paris Pride 2023! (under construction)

A brief history of the life and death of a bus on June 30th

Protest against the pension reform in Paris 06.06.23

Nahel Merzouk riots, 29.06.23 (I was attacked by rioters on this day, so it’s just a small amount of pictures i was able to make on the outskirts of the protest)

Protest against Russian invasion of Ukraine (Child abductions by Russia). Paris 03.06.23

Protest against Putin’s regime on Alexei Navalny’s birthday. Paris 02.06.23

1st Of May in Paris

Protest against Gérald Darmanin's Asylum and Immigration bill in Paris 29.04.2023

Protests against the pension reform in Paris 13.04.23

Hong Kong protests 2019

Paris Pride 2019